107th Mechanized Cavalry Transportation Platoon Rosters

The * in the following rosters means that the letter or number was not legible.
Transportation Platoon
Andrews, Wayne D.1st Lt01 031 155Cav83
Phillips, Louis H.S Sgt20 520 638 69
Richmond, Jack W.Cpl20 520 098 69
Adam, Hubert A.Tec 536 232 359 59
Hausladen, Joe A.Tec 537 073 800 64
Long, Stuart B.Tec 520 950 106 70
Meisser, Orman H.Tec 520 521 169 69
Simrks, Louis E.Tec 537 073 886 63
Vornoli, ArmandoPvt39 052 041 29
Valentine, Mawell J.Pfc36 864 802 41
Young, JonePfc39 688 355 49
Bock, Frank E.Pfc20 520 050 69
Hazeltine, Rene H.Pfc42 123 365 46